Thursday, October 23, 2014


Dex is holding steady at 98. Definitely no need to check before I walk into what should be a really quick meeting. 

Oh shit, why is my heart is pounding? Are my hands visibly shaking? I'm going to pass out, should I excuse myself? No, no, this is just straight up paranoia, try breathing slower. For fucks sake why is everyone talking so slow? I haven't taken insulin since lunch, 3 hours ago. Why would I be low right now? Dex, hello catch up here, confirm that I need to be freaking out and then I'll get up and get something. Okay okay we're wrapping up, oh god no she's asking another question. Stop with the questions, I'm dying here! Can't you see the sweat on my forehead? Okay okay okay, walk quickly but not too quickly, you're not going to pass out you're fine, you're fine. Get sugar, get sugar, get sugar. Here we are, sugar in the mouth. Panic subsiding, 53 not terrible. 

Whew, that was a stressful meeting and I'm not even sure what was discuss. Or what I agreed to do. 

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